Alex Wang

software developer who enjoys creating delightful user experiences

About me

iOS developer

Worked and shipped on both large and small projects in both SwiftUI, Swift, and Objective-C for iOS for the last nine years

Web developer

Created websites for personal projects including utilizing HTML, CSS, Javascript, and other languages and frameworks

Also worked professionally with React and Typescript as well (wow!)


Frequently use Photoshop and Lightroom for creative projects in both digital and traditional media

Professional work

iOS developer at Perplexity AI
San Francisco Bay Area, California · April 2023 to present

Lead the development of Perplexity AI's native iOS app to help people more easily discover and learn about new things!

iOS developer at Coursera
Mountain View, California · July 2015 to January 2023

Led and implemented major features in the iOS application in Swift, including overhauling how rich text is rendered, refactoring assessments and quizzes, implementing discussion forums, course material downloads, peer reviewed assignments, and more. Worked with the team to move the app to CoreData for greatly improved caching and rendering time. Coordinated and worked on the Swift 3, 4, and 5 migrations involving hundreds of thousands of lines. Created the Apple TV application to watch lectures on the television. Developed reusable UI goodies such as stretchable table headers to make a more visually pleasing experience. Managed our CI system to automatically run unit tests and to deploy our app to the App Store. Hosted teatime with coworkers to enjoy the California sun.

Worked on the Authoring experience as a frontend developer, where we implemented content versioning on items instructors make in a course.

Download Coursera for iOS and tvOS

Mobile engineering intern at Yelp
San Francisco, California · June to September 2014

Migrated sharing requests to Facebook's Open Graph Object API to increase the speed of sharing businesses and reviews by fivefold. Extended mobile metrics in Python to track device usage with greater granularity. Created an iOS feature in Objective-C with a team at a hackathon to search intelligently along a route in order to return results on the way to the user's destination.

Mobile engineering intern at YahooYahoo News Digest
Sunnyvale, California · June 2013 to June 2014

Rapidly prototyped and worked with the iOS team to ship Yahoo News Digest in 6 months. Implemented the news digest and article views in Objective-C with visually-rich and performant cards, including maps, slideshows, and related Tweets. Worked closely with designers to make the app a winner of the 2014 Apple Design Awards. Styled the Yahoo News Digest Tumblr to show short summaries of news articles that can be shared to anyone.

(Sadly, Verizon/Oath decided to discontinue Yahoo News Digest on August 2017, and it is no longer available on the App Store)

Medical information intern at Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital
Kaohsiung City, Taiwan · June to August 2012

Rapidly prototyped and developed an iOS application for mobile patient registration and other hospital services.

Personal projects

Director and webmaster at Stanford Night Market
Stanford, California · 2012 to 2015 · HTML, CSS, JQuery, Ruby on Rails

Led and organized a team of 12 to run the Stanford Night Market, with continued year-over-year growth of almost 200% to 4,000 attendees over three years. Wrote a Ruby on Rails web application to handle visitor information, vendor registrations, and other internal organization. Created marketing materials for distribution both online and around the San Francisco Bay Area. Also took event photos.

Developer at Notedrop
Fremont, California · 2010 to 2013 · HTML, CSS, JQuery, PHP

Designed with a classmate a Flash music game that had over 240,000 plays worldwide. Implemented a scoreboard backend and frontend to further extend competitive gameplay.


Double majored in computer science (focus on human-computer interaction) and music (focus on piano performance) at Stanford University

Other highlights

Can almost stumble through three people languages
Mainly English and Mandarin Chinese with a tad of Japanese

Really likes 19th century classical music
Chopin and Rachmaninoff two of my favorite composers ever

Presses buttons on a camera
Sometimes the photos turn out half decent, maybe — check them out on my Flickr account

Wrote a Slack bot to order milk tea
Used node.js to implement on-call rotations to hydrate and refresh the team with pmt


Download my résumé here

Contact me

Feel free to contact me and say hello!

alex at milktea dot io

© 2017 Alex Wang · insert your witty quote of choice here